World’s Most Effective Leader - President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele sits down with Tucker Carlson.

ICYMI - El Salvador President Nayib Bukele sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson to discuss how he has transformed El Salvador from one of the most violent countries in the world to the safest country in the Western Hemisphere in just three years. Some key takeaways:

- Bukele said establishing peace and security was the essential first step before addressing other issues like infrastructure and economic development. El Salvador went from having the highest murder rate in the world, 3x higher than Haiti, to a lower murder rate than the U.S. and Canada.

- This was achieved by doubling the size of the police and military, equipping them better, and cracking down hard on the gangs, including the notorious MS-13 gang which Bukele described as a "satanic" organization involved in human sacrifices and rituals. 70,000 gang members were arrested.

- Bukele said a "maintenance team" is needed to fix degradation in democracies over time, pointing to issues in the U.S. like exorbitant infrastructure costs as signs of systemic failure. He said the U.S. still has immense advantages but many leaders seem unable or unwilling to address obvious problems.

- Turning to the economy, Bukele said seeking God's wisdom is the first part of his 3-point economic plan. He criticized politicians who don't accurately represent the religious views of their constituents.

- Despite hostility from global organizations, other countries are taking notice of El Salvador's security transformation. Bukele is sharing advice with other Latin American leaders on combating gang violence and securing their prison systems.

- El Salvador is seeing an influx of both native Salvadorans and Americans moving to the country as safety improves. 62% of Salvadoran immigrants in the U.S. want to return, which Bukele sees as proof his approach is working, though it's creating a housing crunch.

The interview provided a fascinating look at El Salvador's against-the-odds success in rapidly improving security under Bukele's leadership, and his perspective on the trajectory of developed Western democracies. His hands-on approach and willingness to seek divine guidance stand out among world leaders.


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