The IMF’s $1.4 Billion Shackle
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The IMF’s $1.4 Billion Shackle

The recent $1.4 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) agreement between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and El Salvador marks a significant turning point in the nation's economic and monetary policy. The IMF’s $1.4 billion “lifeline” is a sly Trojan horse, gutting El Salvador’s sovereignty and kneecapping its 2021 Bitcoin law— which represented a bold step toward monetary freedom and economic self-determination— all to prop up the same economic mess it pretends to fix. Brilliant, right?

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Bitcoin and Fixed Income
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Bitcoin and Fixed Income

Fiduciary duty is the obligation to act in the client’s best interests at all times, prioritizing their needs above the advisor’s own, ensuring honesty, transparency, and avoiding conflicts of interest in all recommendations and actions.

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The "Fools" Golden Generation
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The "Fools" Golden Generation

Nobody wants to work anymore. Millennials need to grow up and stop spending all their money on avocado toast. We had double-digit inflation in our day, but we still managed to get by just fine. Younger generations are just lazy. 

Perhaps you have heard some of these generalizations hurled at you by the aging boomer population. There is a chance that they are right, and maybe we are all lazy deadbeats who don't want to work.

Or, just maybe, something else is going on—something more nefarious that may shine a different light on this prestigious golden cohort that created the greatest wealth generation in history. Maybe they aren't so god-like in their ability to create wealth from nothing more than recycled hemp and good vibes. Let's explore.

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What Do People Mean When They Say “Fix the Money Fix the World”
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What Do People Mean When They Say “Fix the Money Fix the World”

The golden age of any human civilization is predicated on advancements in technology. Ambitious societies build things that are actually valuable to their constituents. These valuable things facilitate advancement in every aspect of the culture and ultimately that civilization is propelled forward. Here’s a brief example to get the point across:

Roman masons created the arch, which enabled the aqueduct, which led to the creation of large cities that facilitated the spread of ideas in which beautiful art was born.

While admittedly a simple example, it succinctly illustrates how technology enables technology and better, more beautiful lives for all participants. This is our uniquely human trait, our gift from God, that sets us apart from every other animal.

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River's Report Highlights 30% Growth in Business Bitcoin Adoption in 2023
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River's Report Highlights 30% Growth in Business Bitcoin Adoption in 2023

River, a prominent Bitcoin financial services provider, has released a comprehensive report detailing a significant rise in business Bitcoin adoption, showcasing a 30% growth in the past year. The report, titled Why Business Bitcoin Adoption Grew by 30% in 1 Year, offers a thorough analysis of the factors driving this increase and the current state of corporate Bitcoin holdings.

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