ESP Miner Firmware v2.1.8: Fix for Possible Overheat If WiFi Disconnects

ESP Miner, the renowned open-source miner firmware designed specifically for BitAxe v2+, has released a crucial update to its firmware, version 2.1.8. This update addresses a significant overheating issue that could occur if the WiFi connection drops, ensuring safer and more reliable operation for all users.

The problem first surfaced with the 2.1.7 update, where users began reporting potential overheating incidents when their devices lost WiFi connectivity. Public Pool, a notable entity within the mining community, issued an urgent recommendation: "If you've updated your Bitaxe to 2.1.7 there is a possibility of overheating if the WiFi disconnects. Please update to 2.1.8."

The rapid response and fix were lauded by community members, including @skot9000, who praised both the users who reported the issue and Public_Pool_BTC for their swift action in identifying and resolving the fan control bug. The new firmware release, version 2.1.8, not only mitigates the overheating risk but also introduces several other enhancements and optimizations.

What's New in ESP Miner Firmware v2.1.8

  1. Overheating Fix: Resolves the potential overheating issue triggered by WiFi disconnections.

  2. Software Version String: Adds a software version string to the stratum mining.subscribe functionality, contributed by @wizkid057 in pull request #197.

  3. Optimization to Avoid strcmp: Implements a minor optimization to bypass the strcmp function, introduced by @Georges760 in pull request #198.

  4. Quick Link to Stats on OCEAN: Adds a quick link to view statistics when mining on the OCEAN platform, also by @wizkid057 in pull request #200.

  5. I2C Parameter Deduplication: Refactors and deduplicates I2C parameters, handled by @tdb3 in pull request #188.

  6. DNS Lookup Enhancement: Moves DNS lookup inside the stratum connection retry loop for improved reliability, a change by @skot in pull request #204.

  7. I2C Factorization: Further optimization of I2C handling, courtesy of @Georges760 in pull request #202.

  8. Driver Refactoring: Splits vcore out from the DS4432 driver to create an abstraction layer, another contribution by @Georges760 in pull request #205.

  9. Info Screen Cycling: Adds functionality for cycling through the info screen by pressing the boot button, implemented by @WantClue.

Community and Contribution

The ESP Miner firmware is a testament to the power of community-driven development. With no ads, no tracking, and a commitment to transparency, the project relies on contributions and support from its users. The recent update underscores the importance of community feedback and collaboration in quickly identifying and addressing issues.

The project is also raising 1 BTC to support and expand its operations, inviting the community to contribute and ensure continued innovation and support.

For those running BitAxe v2+ miners, updating to firmware version 2.1.8 is essential to prevent overheating issues and benefit from the latest enhancements and optimizations. The dedication and swift action of the developers and contributors highlight the resilience and cooperative spirit of the cryptocurrency mining community.

Stay updated with the latest from ESP Miner and contribute to the project to help it grow and evolve, ensuring a secure and efficient mining experience for all.


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