Bitcoin's True Power

Hi Plebs,
The biggest deal with Bitcoin is you can send it to someone over the internet without needing a bank or other third party. This is totally different than sending regular money digitally, which requires trusted middlemen (like a banking system).

Bitcoin is more scarce than any other money. It can be divided into tiny pieces and easily measured. And you can send it across the internet successfully. Try to think of anything else that has all these: limited supply, can divide into small amounts, and ability to send easily online. No other money can match Bitcoin in this way.

To really understand how powerful Bitcoin is, you need to use it yourself. Anyone can join the Bitcoin network by running free software on a home computer. You can send Bitcoin to anyone in the world with just a computer and internet. You do not need permission or a middleman. It's very empowering. Millions across the globe can use Bitcoin together. They can do so without having to trust each other or any authority. Grasping the ability to move money freely is mind-blowing.

Why Bitcoin Beats Other Money

People call Bitcoin "digital gold", but it's way better than just that. Bitcoin takes the best parts of physical gold and digital dollars, without their bad parts. Gold is limited in supply but hard to split into smaller pieces and send. Dollars are easy to send digitally but there is an unlimited supply.

Bitcoin has a strict limit like gold, but you can easily divide it into tiny amounts and send it over the internet like dollars. Plus, with gold and regular money you have to trust banks and governments. But Bitcoin works in a trustless way without any middlemen.

Bitcoin keeps the good parts - being limited like gold and easy to transfer like digital cash. Yet, it doesn't have the downsides of either. This is the main reason the free market is shifting towards using Bitcoin as money instead of other options.

As more people see how Bitcoin has a limited supply, can be divided up, is easy to send online. Doesn't require trust. The rise of Bitcoin as the new money will keep growing faster. Bitcoin represents the future of money by fixing the flaws of previous money types.

Cheers, and onwards with Bitcoin


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